Thursday, July 8, 2010

10 Random Things

1. I can hear the chanting for Hindu temples in my room, "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" which they have to chant a minimum of 108 time per day.
2. There are cows everywhere. I think that it is weird that although they are considered "holy" they wander the streets and eat trash.
3. Since there are cows everywhere you have be careful not to step into any cow patties on the sidewalk.
4. Students are not allowed to use the elevator so I have to climb five flights of stairs for my class.
5. Every time I make it safely back onto campus I breathe a sigh of relief (and fresh air since it is very green on campus and away from all the exhaust of the streets) that I have made it safe and alive through the streets another time.
6. I have eaten more bananas here in the last week than I have in the last five years of my life. (I hate bananas)
7. I am the only graduate student/married person and I am the oldest student here. Making me sometimes think that I shouldn't be here.
8. I think that all the Indian girls must be laughing at me trying to pull off their clothes and not succeeding.
9. I get sad every time I see a stray dog on the streets, which is about every five seconds.
10. I just learned that cashews come from Jack Fruit that grow in tropical countries.


  1. I don't believe anyone is laughing at you not pulling off the look.

    Mom say's your internet is to slow for skpye so I assume uploading pictures must be a major chore. If that is the case I will wait patiently for photos.

    Love you and miss you!

  2. Yes, my internet is to slow for Skype, it just always says it is connecting but never connects. I will try to upload some photos soon. Maybe I will do a blog of just pictures for you!
    Loves and Misses!

  3. I would guess the cows are just equal to the people. Who also wander the streets and eat trash.
    You only don't belong if you think you don't belong. My guess is you will help the younger ones learn while learning yourself.
    I also would love to see you in your outfits.
    Dad is buying phone cards today!
    Love you miss you
