We performed our dance today! Some pictures to tide everyone over! I cant post videos on university internet apparently so everyone will just wait!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Dance Pictures
We performed our dance today! Some pictures to tide everyone over! I cant post videos on university internet apparently so everyone will just wait!
Back from Deli and
We left for Deli Wednesday after class so we got in pretty late, when we were driving to our hotel I think all of our stomachs sank, it was in the worst area of town, super sketch. When we went inside the hotel they asked us if we were sure we ad a reservation at their hotel and no their sister hotel a couple blocks away. I asked why would they pick us up at the airport and bring us to this hotel if our reservation was at the other hotel? Nothing is ever what you think it is going to be in India, we ended up staying at that hotel but our reservation really was at the other one (I just cheked the confirmation in my email). We arranged for a car to pick us up for a Deli tour in the morning. I have to say Deli is one of my least favorite places I have been to in India, everything was dirty, people kept shoving tins in our faces to buy at prices tat were way ridiculously overpriced, it was hot and humid and all around not my favorite place to be. I forgot to put my memory card in my camera so I have to wait until I get home to take the pictures off my camera wit my cord so no pictures of Deli so you are missing out on a picture of the beautiful Lotus temple but I will post them when I get home. We drove around all day until we were cranky, hot and tired and went to a revolving restaurant on the twenty-fourth floor of a hotel. This was definitely my favorite part of Deli, being able to view it from inside an air-conditioned restaurant and it redeemed the day. We left for
When we got back to the hotel we decided we wanted to take showers tat nit since we were going to the sunrise viewing of the Taj Mahal and were leaving at 5am. We asked for the hot water to be turned on since it is only on in the morning and they told us it would be fine they would turn it on. 30 minutes later the hot water still wasn’t on and so we called the front desk and were informed they hadn’t turned it on and when they did it would take an our. They sent someone up to talk to us who told us again the hot water would take an hour and do we really need it in the shower? Is it possible for him to simply bring it up in a bucket? Really? So, no hot showers for us tat nit.
We woke up early and went to the Taj Mahal and it was amazing, breathtaking, and beautiful, words cannot even describe how impressed I was wit the Taj Mahal. I have seen a lot of tins in my life and the Taj Mahal was definitely one of the most impressive. We ad a tour guide which I was happy about because e knew all the right picture places and all the stories behind everything. It is amazing to think tat this man was so in love wit this wife tat e built this for her as a symbol of love. I wonder how the other two wives felt about this? Being at this symbol of love definitely made me miss Rex even more, I cannot wait to see him. We spent ours wandering around the Taj soaking up the beauty and wonder of this monument.
After the Taj we went to Agra Fort which is where Sha Jahan spent the last eight years of is life after being overthrown by is third son. He was only able to stare out at the Taj from a balcony. The fort was huge and we were only able to see 25% of it, the other 75% is being used by the Indian Army.
So much more happened but typing on my computer with missing keys and then having to edit it on spell check is so time consuming I don’t really want to keep typing! So, if you want to know more I will have to tell you when I get home! Miss all of you!